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Tordon Ljud

Pupils Of Harpocrates - Occisor (Cdr)

Prose Nagge ‎– #7 - 2020 - USA. Listen:

"Pacific Northwest duo set focus on a presentation of weird harsh noise, cut-up, and mind-erasing zone-summoning, with a tight focus on sound design/mix. Previous aliases are irrelevant, better to focus on the vision at hand, that of the glimmer-diva ensnared in the abdomen-ripping glue trap of celebritized deification, as well as those times when mk-luciferian mouthpieces get it right. A web of Saturn’s influence that either binds or acts as a bridge."

Note: Ships w/o jewelcase to save on postage for you. Get in touch in case you want the jewelcase for a different postage rate.